

7/5-8 Filipa Tojal  SOLO EXHIBITION「VAGUEAR -放浪-」



Filipa Tojal  SOLO EXHIBITION「VAGUEAR -放浪-」     5th – 8th July 2019


Paintings are gently placed amongst dozens of plants which occupy the space. In this exhibition, more important than the presence of the paintings, is the importance of the bond that lays between them and the plants. The viewer is invited to stroll amongst the works, to experience the contrasts and dialogues of the installation and to appreciate nature’s time and space. The paintings, while crossing western and eastern techniques, lay as a research about the intrinsic poetic relationship between Art and Nature. In its raw instant, VAGUEAR proposes a reflection on the time you dedicate to wander and to wonder.


Filipa Tojal

Born in the winter of 1993 in Porto, Portugal, has been living in Japan since 2016. Graduated in Painting from FBAUP (Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto), completed an exchange program in London (Middlesex University), and lived in Piedmont (Italy) afterwards. Currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Painting at Tokyo University of the Arts on a fully funded scholarship from the Japanese Government (MEXT, Monbukagakusho). Researching about the intrinsic poetic relationship between nature and art.




Filipa Tojal個展「VAGUEAR -放浪-」 2019年7月5日(金)~8日(月)




フィリッパ トジャル

1993年 ポルトガル、ポルト生まれ。

Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto(芸術学部)で絵画科を卒業後、ロンドン・ミドルセックス大学での交換留学を経てイタリア・ピエモンテに移住。2016年より文部科学省留学プログラムにより日本へ移住し、現在東京藝術大学大学院絵画専攻修士号取得課程に在籍。


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